Weekend links 759


Chance and Order, Change 6 (Monastral Blue) (1972) by Kenneth Martin.

• At Public Domain Review: Some of the media which will be entering the public domain (in the USA) in 2025, including links to Standard Ebooks for the book titles.

• At Wormwoodiana: Mark Valentine’s regular report on the state of secondhand bookshops in Britain.

• At Colossal: Beams of light lance monumental architecture in Jun Ong’s astral installations.

• At Popular Mechanics: “A scientist proved paradox-free time travel is possible”.

• An interview with Alice Coltrane from 1981 for Piano Jazz Radio (NPR).

• Read 19 issues of Arthur magazine in PDF format. More coming soon!

• At Spoon & Tamago: Japanese Designer New Year’s cards of 2025.

• At the BFI: Pamela Hutchinson on 10 great films of 1925.

Astral Traveling (1973) by Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes | Astral Altar (The Gateway Of Legba) (1994) by Dub Terror Exhaust | Astral Melancholy Suite (2022) by Ghost Power

Weekend links 667


Design by Yusaku Kamekura.

• “Music and intoxication have gone hand in hand since prehistory, but the relationship of music and cannabis is particularly strong and complex, says Jono Podmore, a former habitual smoker, as he investigates a groundbreaking new study which may get us closer to understanding these links.”

• “[There] have been many instances of persons, who thought themselves metamorphosed into lanterns, and who complained of having lost their thighs.” Public Domain Review offers words to the wise from An Essay on Diseases Incidental to Literary and Sedentary Persons (1768).

• “Mathematicians have finally discovered an elusive ‘einstein’ tile.” Emily Conover explains. I thought Roger Penrose had already discovered these but none of his aperiodic patterns are created by a single tile.

Wes Anderson does science fiction…maybe. After watching The French Dispatch last month I’d caught up with the Anderson oeuvre so it’s good to have something new to look forward to.

20th century Japanese poster art. Related: Jason Booher on creating a cover for a book by Carlo Rovelli.

The Winners of Smithsonian Magazine’s 20th Annual Photo Contest.

• New music: Ghost Town Burning by The Lonely Bell.

Anthony “Surgeon” Child’s favourite music.

• RIP Raoul Servais, animator.

East Of Asteroid (1976) by 801 | Asteroide (1978) by Joël Fajerman & Jan Yrssen | Asteroid Witch (2022) by Ghost Power

Ghost Power


This week I’ve been enjoying the Ghost Power album, a collection of groovy instrumentals from Tim Gane and Jeremy Novak. A heavier use of synthesizers and samples than you usually hear from Gane, together with trace elements of his previous project, Cavern Of Anti-Matter. The highlight is the final track, Astral Melancholy Suite, a 15-minute synth odyssey that includes an extended sequencer run of a kind usually associated with the Berlin School.

The comic-book details that decorate the packaging are credited to Samplerman, whoever they are. There’s further continuity here with Stereolab who borrowed graphics from French comics for the artwork on some of their singles and EPs. I’ve never been a fervent collector of Duophonic releases so it was years before I realised that the graphic on this cover for Instant 0 In The Universe


…was swiped from this page in the fabulously rare Saga de Xam.


Update: Samplerman is here. Thanks, Dave C!

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Uncredited cover art for the forthcoming Ghost Power, the debut album from the group of the same name, a collaboration between Jeremy Novak (Dymaxion) and Tim Gane (Stereolab, Cavern Of Anti-Matter).

• Objective correlatives: “In compiling the following list of influences and inspirations for my memoir, Modern Instances: The Craft of Photography, I had a certain, specific range of aesthetic experiences in mind,” says Stephen Shore.

• “Smoking toad has been likened, in one guide to psychedelics, to ‘being strapped to the nose of a rocket that flies into the sun and evaporates.'” Kimon de Greef on The Pied Piper of Psychedelic Toads.

• “I’ve always been fascinated by the idea that before there was language there was music,” says Meredith Monk.

• Coming soon from Strange Attractor: Obsolete Spells – Poems and Prose from Victor Neuburg and the Vine Press.

• “…scepticism is not simply about knowledge or language. It is a way of life,” says Nicholas Tampio.

• Life during wartime: Jonathan Wright on Radio Tisdas and the roots of Tinariwen.

• Mix of the week: A Hallow Ground mix for The Wire.

Volunteers rally to archive Ukrainian web sites.

• The Strange World of…Ahmed Abdul-Malik.

I Put A Spell On You (1965) by Nina Simone | Cast A Spell (1969) by The Open Mind | Spinning A Spell (1970) by Mystic Siva