A Diver (no date) by Walter Crane.
• At Worldbuilding Agency: The first part of a long interview with Bruce Sterling concerning “the pursuit of deliberate oxymorons as a creative strategy, worldbuilding in the context of history and futurity, Berlusconi on the moon and more”. With questions from Paul Graham Raven, and my cover art for Bruce’s Robot Artists and Black Swans.
• “With its focus on the 1970s career of Leonard Rossiter and its mordant metaphysics of the moist, Sophie-Sleigh Johnson’s Code: Damp might just be the most original book yet to emerge from Repeater publishing,” says Tim Burrows.
• “A definitive guide to the work of William S Burroughs’ on screen.” It’s a guide but it’s hardly definitive when there’s no mention of the four films Burroughs made with Anthony Balch.
• A catalogue of lots at the forthcoming After Dark: Gay Art and Culture online auction. Homoerotic art, photos, etc, also historic porn and a few garments worn by Divine.
• New music: Jay recommends the high-grade motorik en espanol dance-rock of Sgt Papers; Topology Of A Quantum City by Paul Schütze; Overtones by Everyday Dust.
• This week’s obligatory Bumper Book of Magic entry: Ben Wickey at Alan Moore World talks about his work on the book’s Great Enchanters comic strips.
• At Dennis Cooper’s it’s Malcolm Le Grice’s Day. Le Grice’s death was announced earlier this month.
• At The Wire: The magazine’s contributors’ charts showing their favourite music of the past year.
• A new website for the Sanborn Fire Maps and their decorated title pages.
• Mix of the week: DreamScenes – December 2024 at Ambientblog.
• At Public Domain Review: Albert Kahn’s autochromes.
• Burroughs Called The Law (1960s) by William S. Burroughs | Language Is A Virus From Outer Space (Live) (1984) by Laurie Anderson | Burroughs Don’t Play Guitar (1996) by Islamic Diggers
Serendipitously, I finished reading Jenni Fagan’s novel, LUCKENBOOTH, this week, and one of the characters in its Moore-like premise is Burroughs, inspired, primarily, by his visit to Edinburgh in 1962. His theories on the language virus serve as a counterpart for the author’s wider thesis on feminism and patriarchy.
Happy Christmas, Mr. Coulthart, and a happy new year. May 2025 bring you bounteous dark joys.
Thanks, Liam, the same to you. I’m ending this year in a much more calm frame of mind than I was last year when I was racing to get the big magic book finished. I’m currently putting together a revised edition of my Lovecraft book so that’s one thing which may emerge at some point in the new year.