In praise of WordPress

Regular readers may have noticed the coming and going of certain features here recently, due to my experimenting with different plugins. One of the great features of the WordPress blogging software is its open source quality which allows anyone to write a plugin to extend the application. Ones I’ve been playing with over the past week are Justin Watt’s Random Image plugin which is creating the “Previously” “From the archives” images in the sidebar and the Social Bookmarks plugin which adds a “Bookmark this” feature to the end of posts. The latter I’ve disabled for now since it refuses to allow me to choose which bookmark selections are shown ( and digg, for example), presenting instead a fruit salad of different gifs that looks messy. I may return this later if I can find a way to get it to work properly—PHP is not my forte—or find another plugin that does the required job.

2 thoughts on “In praise of WordPress”

  1. John – I use WordPress too. It is hands down the best CMS. PHP, HTML and CSS are all not my forte but I’ve been able to really tweak my wordpress site into something that I like.

    I like your “Anti-Spam” box. Is that a plugin? The only anti-spam device I use is Akismet and it catches 100% of spam without the need for users to authenticate.

  2. Yes, the anti-spam thing is a plugin, Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam:

    I could have used Aksimet, of course, but I like this method and, as its creator says, it doesn’t discriminate against people who have cookies disabled. You can also input your own security words, should you wish, something I’ve not done yet.

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