Another album cover, and this time the artwork is my own, being my third cover for metal band Melechesh. The album won’t be released until February but the record label, Nuclear Blast, revealed the cover earlier this week so I thought I may as well post it myself. See a larger copy here. Note that other copies in circulation at the moment show a temporary title design (not my doing) which will probably be changed by release time.
This is my third cover for the band whose songs are preoccupied with Sumerian mythology, as should be evident from the symbolism. The artwork was also one of two elaborate (unconnected) designs I’d been working on over the autumn. The other one may be revealed next week so watch this space.
Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
• The album covers archive
Previously on { feuilleton }
• The Epigenesis by Melechesh
Extremely cool, John, one of your best.
That just cries out for a proper framing and strategic wall placement. Any chance of a print or a poster?
Thanks, Stephen. The last cover worked out very well so it was a challenge with this one to do something along similar lines but with its own identity.
I wouldn’t mind doing a poster at some point, the artwork was high-res at 12-inch size so would scale up pretty well. I’d have to check first that there wasn’t a conflict with the band’s own merchandise. They’ve already asked me to think about reworking parts of the cover into a T-shirt design.