The art of Ismael Álvarez


Sangre Virgen.

Yeah, trust me to pick the gore-drenched teen out of a gallery of otherwise wholesome drawings… Ismael Álvarez is a Spanish artist with a nice clean line, a sense of humour and an imagination that can encompass comic imagery like the pictures below or run to full-on erotica. Of the latter there’s a separate gallery replete with the Enormous Cocks that now seem de rigueur for a certain kind of gay art in the same way that Enormous Breasts are a feature of much straight erotica. I’m not complaining—heaven forbid!—merely acknowledging a trend. In addition to his art, Señor Alvarez also maintains a blog and creates his own YouTube broadcasts, all of which are of course in Spanish.


My boy is a monster (cock).


Oh My Cock.

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