

Don’t try this at home.

A rare Sunday post to inform regular readers that plans are in motion to move this site to a new server. The software that runs the site requires upgrading in several areas so relocation is the best solution for an essential process. There may be a short period when { feuilleton } seems to be unavailable but this shouldn’t last long. Fingers crossed.

7 thoughts on “Maintenance”

  1. Thanks, Peter. I ought to have said in the post that the move is only a transfer of files taking place behind the scenes. The domain will remain the same so the web address won’t be changing.

  2. No, I haven’t. I don’t seem able to either, it’s showing “Application error: a client-side exception has occurred”. Unless this is what I’m meant to see…

  3. Best of luck with the maintenance???? I’m secretly wondering if you are getting a machine learning AI bot to absorb all your back catalogue and continue to produce an AI generated {fuilleton} Perhaps it’s human snobbery or just plain hubris but I doubt that a bot could persue and present your unique arcana

  4. How curious, my octopus emoji was transformed into 4 question marks…. ???? – octopus

  5. Thanks, Richard. The coding here does the ???? thing with certain foreign accents as well. I may be able to fix this when the new server is activated.

    From what I’ve read about AI/LLM bots they only seem able to recycle things they already know about, so applying one to my previous posts would give you more of the same written in that bland boilerplate style that they all use. One of the functions of this blog is to find new things which stimulate my variable, picky and eclectic tastes. Good luck to any stochastic parrot that attempts to imitate this.

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