Boy, O Boy by Julie Heffernan


Self Portrait as Great Scout Leader III (2010).

In which the artist changes sex on canvas for a new series of self-portraits and an exhibition aptly titled Boy, O Boy at P·P·O·W, New York. Three new paintings are on display all of which continue Heffernan’s fascination with self-portraits, miniature landscapes and accumulated objects, each presented in her customary super-detailed style. The gallery also has examples of her astonishing earlier work. Boy, O Boy runs from April 29 to June 5, 2010. Via Phantasmaphile.

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The fantastic art archive

Previously on { feuilleton }
The art of Julie Heffernan

The art of Julie Heffernan


Self Portrait as Booty (2007).

I hadn’t come across Julie Heffernan’s work before until examples turned up a few weeks ago on several different websites in the space of a few days. The picture above—a typical indicator of her current concerns—is featured on the cover of a new edition of Tin House, a collection of fantasy stories by women.

All Heffernan’s paintings are very detailed oil on canvas and no doubt look a lot better at a larger size. A book of these would be most welcome.


Self Portrait in the Bedroom (2003).

Three picture galleries at PPOW
An appraisal by David Cohen

Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The fantastic art archive