Vintage swordplay #5


In honour of the overturning of Prop 8 in California—and because I haven’t posted one of these for a while—another piece of beefy weapon-handling. No idea who this fellow is but he can be seen a lot bigger (if not actually tumescent) at the Haunted Lamp, a place of assorted delights that you really ought to go and browse.

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The men with swords archive

Vintage swordplay #4


The Crusader by George Quaintance (1943).

Continuing an occasional series, I was hoping to find the original photo which George Quaintance used as a model for this painting but failed dismally. I did find the photo below, however, a piece of Roman camp by beefcake photographer Alonzo Hanagan, aka ‘Lon of New York’ on this Boy Culture post where Hanagan is interviewed about his work.


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The men with swords archive
The gay artists archive

Jugend, 1897


Continuing the series of posts about Jugend magazine, all these samples are from the issues for 1897. This is where things start getting really interesting graphically so I’m only posting a very small selection from 900 pages of content. As before, anyone interested is advised to examine the complete volumes which can be viewed and downloaded here and here.



Cupid drawings abound in early issues of Jugend, with men and women falling prey to love’s vicissitudes. This is one of the more unusual examples.

Continue reading “Jugend, 1897”



Further additions to the Men with swords archive courtesy of The Other Andrew. The model is one Peter Gordon who appeared with his brother, Sandy, in physique sessions photographed by “Spartan” in the 1950s. I don’t know whether these shots came from VMP originally but that site has the same pictures and many more, and is a great source of information about a clandestine era.


Elsewhere on { feuilleton }
The men with swords archive